
Business & Lifestyle Coach Chris Choi Might Just Change Your Life

What is the goal in life? Is it freedom? Money? Happiness? Well, while no one on earth has an undeniable answer to that question, one can assume that a combination of these three will do a pretty darn good job at bringing meaning to life. So how does one attain all three? Financial freedom, of course! Shedding the life of an employee to emerge as an entrepreneur is the goal—complete financial freedom, to be exact. To have the ability to live as you wish to live without worrying about the price is to live as the mind wishes; the freedom to choose when or where or how each day will go. Individuals who have reached this goal, such as business extraordinaire Chris Choi, have been taking to social media to share their lessons on how to reach this ideal lifestyle.

In July of 1991, Chris Choi was born in South Korea. After graduating college with a double major in Human Biology and Psychology, he went on to pursue what he thought was his destiny in dental school. However, after a lot of thought, Choi decided to make the best decision of his life—to drop out and move headstrong towards financial freedom. With $4,000 pulled from his credit card and another $4,000 in personal savings, Choi purchased his very first Airbnb property, which he immediately sub-rented for a small profit. This very process carried Choi to the title of “Top 1% Airbnb Earner,” as 7 years later, he owns over 100 Airbnb properties in 4 different states and 7 major cities. With his Airbnb endeavors closing in on the 10-million-dollar revenue mark, Choi has shown the world that anyone can achieve their dreams and become financially free.

Choi has actually shared with us a few of his most important life advices for being a successful businessperson and holistically-well individual:

Primarily, Choi warns against living with the idea that you must work hard for your money. Specifically, that people should “figure out a way to make [their] money work hard for [them],” as soon as possible. This is incredibly important to remember, as Choi explains anyone can quickly “end up working for the rest of [their life]” if they don’t “find a way to make money in [their] sleep by building a stable passive income source.”

As well, Choi recommends dropping any ego you may have. In keeping it, it is easy to lose oneself in pleasing others’ eyes. Choi elaborates in telling us that “too many people live way above their means to look rich. Instead of spending money to buy liabilities, learn to buy assets that can make you money in your sleep.” Focusing on yourself and your own journey rather than making it appealing to others is a core lesson to take away from Choi’s experience.

For more lifestyle tips and insight into life as a financially free entrepreneur, Chris Choi can be found on his TikTok or Instagram pages, where he has a combined 1.6 million eager-to-learn followers.

Mason Cooper
Mason Cooper
Mason Cooper hails from the vibrant city of Los Angeles, California, and serves as an integral part of LA Featured Magazine's dedicated staff. As a committed team member, Mason's contribution has had a significant impact on the magazine's growth and popularity over the years.


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