
Teenager from California creates AI detector to prevent academic plagiarism

Michael Golden from Oak Park, California is a 19-year-old college student studying computer science at Moorpark College. He has recently created a program for his school called IntegrityAI, an online tool that detects potential AI plagiarism.

Golden was inspired to create this program after becoming aware of students using ChatGPT to complete their assignments. While impressed by the technology, he recognized that its use in educational settings could cause issues with academic integrity. This led him to develop a tool to help prevent the misuse of AI in academic settings.

He emphasizes the importance of his education assisting in creating this tool. While his computer science courses provided helpful knowledge, it was the general education classes such as English and philosophy which gave him a deeper understanding of critical thinking. He believes that with the advancement of AI, it’s more important than ever for humans to continue developing these skills.

Golden has applied to several schools to transfer to next fall, with the ultimate goal of attending UCLA. Regardless of where he goes, he plans to continue building new technologies because it’s what he’s passionate about. IntegrityAI is just one example of his dedication to using technology for good, and it’s clear that he has a bright future ahead of him in the tech industry.

Mason Cooper
Mason Cooper
Mason Cooper hails from the vibrant city of Los Angeles, California, and serves as an integral part of LA Featured Magazine's dedicated staff. As a committed team member, Mason's contribution has had a significant impact on the magazine's growth and popularity over the years.


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