I doubt anyone expected Jared Leto’s Morbius to be an MCU-level critical success, but now that the reviews are in, Morbius is one of the worst reviewed superhero films of the modern era, with some of the lowest scores ever.
Batman V Superman – 29%
Ghost Rider – 26%
Green Lantern – 26%
Suicide Squad (2016) – 26%
Blade Trinity – 25%
X-Men: Dark Phoenix – 22%
Morbius – 21%
Ghost Rider: Spirit of Vengeance – 18%
Batman and Robin – 12%
Jonah Hex – 12%
Elektra – 11%
Fantastic Four (2015) – 9%
Catwoman – 9%
As you can see, this is some exceptionally rare air. Or whatever the antithesis of rarified air is. Those are some of the worst films ever made, and for the most part, they aren’t even in the “critics hated it but fans loved it” category like Venom and its sequel (30 percent and 58 percent respectively). Morbius has yet to receive audience feedback, but I wouldn’t be surprised if this character and Jared Leto received the same level of support as Tom Hardy’s goofy Venom. The film’s leaks have already upset a lot of Marvel fans for reasons I won’t go into, but it appears that this is a film that will be universally disliked.

If you’re wondering why Sony made a Morbius film in the first place, as well as a slew of strange Spider-related films like Kraven and Madame Web, it’s because of a bizarre rights issue in which Sony is essentially forced to keep pumping out Spider-Man IP movies or risk losing the rights to Marvel. This has resulted in ongoing talks with Marvel and Disney for Tom Holland’s Spidey and those films, but Sony also needs to keep this’side universe’ going. It’s an odd situation, and while it’s worked out well in the past (Venom! ), Morbius could be the start of a string of bad movies to come, unless they can figure out how to make these relatively obscure villains work onscreen.
We’ll see how Morbius performs at the box office, and what audiences thing of the film. I’d expect higher ratings than the critics are predicting, but Venom level high? I seriously doubt it. We’ll find out as soon as possible. With this and his Joker, I doubt many people will be lining up to cast Jared Leto in any more superhero films anytime soon.