He has been crafting beautiful visual narratives through his lens, which has earned him massive recognition.
The art of photography and filmmaking has been a craft of capturing moments and creating stories for centuries. With modern technology, the art of photography and filmmaking has been further enhanced with the ability to create captivating visuals, manipulate colors and lighting, and develop narratives that have the potential to capture viewers’ attention for hours.The skill required to be a successful photographer or filmmaker is vast and often requires a deep understanding of the technical aspects, such as shutter speed and lighting, as well as the creative aspects, including composition and storytelling. A successful photographer or filmmaker must have the ability to bring together both the creative and technical aspects to create visually stunning and emotionally compelling stories. This subject has been grasped well by Logan Weaver, a professional photographer and filmmaker based out of Los Angeles and Denver.

“Photography and filmmaking are very different, but both are creative forms of visual expression. Photography is the art of capturing a moment in time, while filmmaking is the art of storytelling and creating visual sequences,” says Weaver, who uses different techniques to create images, such as lighting, composition, and post-production editing to make his work impeccable. The professional has been associated with numerous big brands like Rolex, BMW, Aston Martin, Maker’s Mark, Olympic Medalist Alex Ferreira, Big Gigantic, Cheer’s Morgan Simianer, and Big Brother 21 winner, Jackson Michie and many more. He says that his work has received a massive response on Unsplash, having been viewed by over two billion people and downloaded over four million times. “Unsplash has provided me with an incredible opportunity to connect with the world in a way I never thought possible,” says Weaver.
Moreover, his work has been recognised by the Tourism Board of Hawaii and one of his works has also been awarded Image of the Year by the Paris Tourism Council. He says that he wants to offer his services, expertise and support to those wanting to make a career in this field without charging any fees and help them carve a career in the creative field.
Website – https://www.lgnwvr.com/
Instagram – https://www.instagram.com/lgnwvr
Unsplash – https://unsplash.com/@lgnwvr